Curtis Celebrates the 26th Year Anniversary Surviving Gotti Ambush

Ladies & Gentlemen,

26 years ago John Gotti Jr. had me kidnapped and shot 5 times with hollow point bullets by his goons. That was June 19th of 1992. It took 12 years for the federal government to bring him to trial on these charges. Four times they tried; four times he skated on technicalities, the main one being that I was alive and that there was a Statute of Limitations on the charges since I had not died. Today he lives in luxury in Oyster Bay Cove where the average income is $225,000 a year with a population of a little more than 2,000 people. He survives by collecting rents on the properties that his father had stolen from others and monies that were buried in coffee cans at his old home in Howard Beach. I am so happy that his movie has bombed and been declared the WORST mob movie ever!
But just as the federal, state and city governments pooled their resources to smash most of Italian organized crime, unfortunately that is not the case with the new organized crime family in town; MS-13. 24 miles away is Central Islip and Brentwood. It is the epicenter for MS-13 activity in our area. The MS-13 character in the picture is hungry, aggressive and will stop at nothing to achieve more power through terror, extortion and shake downs. They are developing into the new street mafia; preying on their own. The federal government has stepped up their efforts to weaken them but the states and cities which they occupy have now retreated from cooperating with the feds because of orders from Mario Cuomo not to work with ICE and Homeland Security.
This past week the Guardian Angels passed on solid information about a new MS-13 cell that was becoming strong in Syosset. The local officials sheepishly told us they could not accept the information but rather we should give it to the Feds because they were handcuffed. We gave it to the Feds and they appreciated it but they also mentioned that without local law enforcements cooperation it will be harder to root out these bad hombres.
I have been screaming from the rooftops about how MS-13 has become emboldened and empowered over the last five years. Most of that has fallen on deaf ears. With your help we will continue to chase them all throughout Nassau County and Suffolk where they are reorganizing and surviving the Federal siege against them.

Guardian Angels

Curtis & Cosby / M-F 12-3pm
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