Welcome to our Networking Page. We are trying to network with other groups throughout the country. please take a moment to say hello.

Call Details: 

Phone and Pin: 667-770-1297,,811378# 

Replay: 667-770-1318,,811378#

https://www.massachusettsrepublic.org/union-documentation (scroll down for recordings)


Bring your ideas and questions. 


Union calls will occur the first and third Thursday of every month from 8:30 pm to 10 pm eastern, with the following aim

support one another in our efforts to create jural assemblies with courts of record. 


In the meantime, for additional resources, see Compatible Calls to Explore and Union Resources for all to add to.


See Union Invitation for context. 


In service,


The Unity Team 

The Organic Republick for the USA has been working to restore the guaranteed Republican Form of Self-governance; based upon the 4 organic Laws; (i.e. the intent of the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Northwest Ordinance, and Constitution for the USA). We have brought 47 de-jure states forward with lawful paperwork with 2 delegates, 1 secretary, 2 or more signers, with state seal, flag, original state Constitution, adopting the intent of the 4 Organic Laws. 46 states have given Notice to the private side of the UPU, Hague, UN and the Pentagon. Louisiana, Mississippi, West Virginia need to complete their paperwork, help needed; several positions need to be filled so we can come together through the committee of states to establish a Continental Congress and Restore the Constitutional Republick from the bottom up, by, of, and for the People.

Web site: usaorganicrepublick.com Republick Law Education call every Tuesday at 8:30 pm et and Natural Health Edu. Call Thursday 8:30 pm et: Call-in Number 425 436 6280 Access code 695623#
Contact Email: blueridge1121@gmail.com